
Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Peace" by Jaylon Long

In your life time, what is reality?
And in that reality can you truly comprehend the ones of others?
Each of us are bound by our knowledge and awareness,
and based on our knowledge and awareness, that is what we can call reality.
Reality is also based on our beliefs and generalizations.
However one’s reality may be an illusion to another.
And through that disconnect, other’s pain can’t be truly understood.
True understanding can only be comprehended through equal pain.
How can one give advice if they have never gone through the same situation?
Pain can manifest into goals that can prevent pain
and in that prevention of pain,
One could possibly be helped.
However pain can manifest into hatred,
and in that hatred revenge can be stimulated.
Cold revenge that even hope can’t extinguish.
These are the effects of hatred.
Regardless if passed down through generations or recently acquired,
All hate is the same.
And in one’s revenge, which only provides a short satisfaction,
the curse of hatred continues and the vicious cycle repeats.
So in your reality you have to ask yourself,
Is there a such thing as peace on earth and how can it be achieved?
Can hatred be conquered or in the existence or hatred only can peace be achieved?

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